Pune to Outstation Cab Rates

Car Type Charges per KM Book Now
Hatchback (Indica,Wagonr A/C) Rs.11/KM
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Sedan (Dzire,Xcent A/C) Rs.12/KM
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SUV (Ertiga A/C) Rs.15/KM
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Premium SUV (Innova A/C) Rs.17/KM
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Tavera AC Rs.17/KM
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Premium SUV (Innova Crysta A/C) Rs.20/KM
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13/17 Seater Tempo Travel AC Rs.28/KM
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13/17 Seater Tempo Travel Non AC Rs.25/KM
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Note:-Outstation Trip 300 KM Limit , Excluding Toll,Parking Extra


Very easy to booking, competitive rates, clean cars & 24x7 flexibility to corporate clients, quick pickups from airports & supportive staff & drivers.

- Bhalchandra Sharma

It is always a positive experience when renting. The staff is very professional and efficient, And I always feel welcome and appreciated.

- Rajesh Nair

Quick available, prompt Service affordable rate, using for family & relatives also, since 4 years best service for pune mumbai & mumbai pune.

- Aarati Shinde

I like this company very much the fact that you guys provide luxury rentals at a great price. I will definitely rent with this company again.

-Ravi Mishra